29 September 2005

One last post

Below is the text of an email forwarded to me by a friend and former co-worker:

To all,

I am pleased to announce that R.S. has accepted a position as supervisor of the Masterpiece Cornerstone Team. I am very happy to see R.S. continue on his career path at Insuricare but sad to lose a tremendous asset to the Customer Care Team. He has made significant contributions to our Team and he will be greatly missed. R.S.'s last day in the Customer Care Team will be October 14th.

Please join me in congratulating Ron and wishing him well in his new role!

Fat Supervisor

And here is my response:


That truly is amazing. He's a no-talent-brown-nosing ass-clown. He's a closet cocksucker wannabe jackass and I hope he fails miserably by way of being assraped with a parking cone by one of his subordinates.

And, that's how I feel about him on a good day.

The Problem Coordinator

23 September 2005

I've moved

This blog is dead. I know I said that I will bemaking my new blog about my stuffed monkey but I changed my mind. Look for my new blog in the links section.

31 August 2005

My Last Day

I planned rants ripping apart my co-workers, clients, and agents. I will not post them. Maybe it's the feeling of euphoria that I am experiencing right now, but I don't want to dwell any further about how much this job sucks. This job does suck, but dwelling and writing about the job did nothing to improve my demeanor. The universe feels as if it is settling around me right now; as if my course was restored. God may still hate me, but at least he does not loathe me and that has made all the difference.

26 August 2005

What I plan to do for extra cash.

My new job starts soon. While I consider this to be an amazing step forward it is also major attack on my finanaces. I will need a second job to make up the difference, so I have decided to sell my semen. From an episode of The Man Show I learned that semen can be sold every 48 hours and can fetch a price of $60.00 per cup. I've done the math and this will earn an unfathomable sum; $10,957.50 per year! The down side is that my genetic material will be used to pollute the future population, and that might be a lot of Christmas cards that I have to send out.

22 August 2005

Nine Days

I have a week and a half left.

19 August 2005

Things/People I Hate

People who want to check the status of a policy without a policy number.
People who claim to have just reset their password, but inexplicably cannot sign in.
People who whine about service charges.
People who whine about their policies cancelling after not paying their bills for 3 months while wintering in some exotic locale.
People from Texas.
People from Arkansas.
People from Louisiana
Basically, people with drawls.
People who are insured with Insuricare.
Mission Statements
The word "migrate" when it indicates a corporate culture change.
The phrase "best practices."
The phrase "think outside the box."
People who are unable to develop their own thoughts, rational or otherwise.
People who want to insure their engagement rings.
My bosses phone.
The asshole security guard who keeps putting "tickets" on my car because I refuse to put a sticker on my car saying that I work at that company.
My phone.
There's more, but I'm bored with this.

18 August 2005

I Don't Care

This week I am working some overtime hours, you know to help catch the team up to a managable workload before they experience complete hell when I leave in two weeks. Anyway, my usual shift is between 11:30 AM and 8:00 PM, but I have been working 8-8. My job this morning was to do nothing bt thin the inbox of some responses and I did a good job -- 47 responses in 3.5 hours. Well, there are shit loads of calls coming in, and Erin flips out because I'm not taking any of them. What is she going to do when she's all by her lonesome? Personally, I don't care. I didn't answer one call until 11:30 rolled around.

17 August 2005


As the news of my departure permeated the cubicle rows the initial reaction was shock followed by jealous remorse. Before I tendered my resignation my team experienced a 30% reduction in force all due to sudden resignations. In real numbers three out of ten people. As the work load increased positons were filled, but two of the postions were not replaced-- the two women who filled those gaps are idiots. More recently another senior member received a promotion amid a massive overhaul of our teams mission. The call was made to replace her and hire two other people. Then our supervisor was dismissed. One month has passed and there are no clear candidates. My resignation was also coupled by the resignation of another senior team member.

I saw how everyone reacted to the news. Veiled attempts to wish us well followed by thier stories about how they are going to leave, what their dreams are, and what their reality is. Erin, a fat thrity-year old woman who acts like she is sixteen, lives with her parents, and cannot fathom why men adore her younger independent and well-adjusted sister with the perky breasts, started to cry. Not because she likes me, because she is left with an inept team, no supervisor, and a team-leader who is concerned with his own-self promotion rather than leading his team.

16 August 2005


16 August 2005

Gilbert Huph
Insuricare Personal Insurance
99 Main Street
Metroville, USA

Dear Mr. Huph,

Please accept this letter as my formal notice of resignation from Insuricare. 31 August 2005 will be my final day of employment.

Thank you very much for the opportunity to work at Insuricare.

The Problem Coordinator

11 August 2005

Will I be a Mild-Mannered Reporter for a Mediocre Suburban Newspaper?

Most likely, though I will be taking a 30% cut in my current pay. I gleaned one important thing from the interview. This place is desparate. I'm willing to work with desparate. I have to return for another interview on Friday afternoon to meet with the publisher, and much will be decided there.

For now I am postponing "I Can't Believe I Work With These People," to see if I will remain The Problem Coordinator. If I leave I will write a blitz of all the people I work with, which I hope will be mildly entertaining.

At this time, I would like anyone who reads this to offer some feedback. What is your take on my two options? Should I forsake emotional stability for financial stability or vice versa?

10 August 2005

My Interim Reveiw

The Problem Coordinator continues to be a strong member of the Web Services Team. He consistently exceeds his availability goal of 70%with an average of 79.58%. This represents 0.27% increase in his average availability since December. He also exceeds his minimum email quota with an average of 14.79 emails per day. This represents an increase in email about of 2.38 emails per day since December. However, where The Problem Coordinator’s email numbers showed steady increase from his date of hire through January his productivity dropped through the months of February through April. In May his average emails per day drastically increased to 17.72 per day. This represents The Problem Coordinator’s drive to help the team during while other team members were devoted to training two new hires, but also highlights the workload he can handle. The Problem Coordinator’s average transaction times show a steady decrease each month.

In March The Problem Coordinator took over shared duties with Helga as Problem Coordinator for the team. Once the staffing situation stabilizes The Problem Coordinator and Helga hope to create a priority classification for problems as well as updating the Problem Log from a Word table to a user friendly Excel spreadsheet. The Problem Coordinator has also continued to update the team on pop-up blockers and ways to circumvent these various programs, so that team members can assist insureds to make payments.

The Problem Coordinator continues to receive praise from the people he has assisted. Recently, an Incredibly Homosexual Insurance Agent indicated wished to speak with The Problem Coordinator while he was on vacation and he indicated that he “was appalled at the idea of The Problem Coordinator taking a vacation.”

A New Hope?

There may be light at the end of the tunnel. Tomorrow morning I will interview with a local newspaper for a reporter position. The full details of which will be posted tomorrow.

08 August 2005

The Plan

"Failure is only the opportunity to begin again, this time more wisely." - Unknown

I'm sure it is evident that my employment is causing me to lose my mind. It has been suggested that I seek professional help with my mini-breaks from reality. I was not going to take this suggestion, but I was informed that one may go out on short-term disability for high levels of stress.

The first step is seeking out counseling. I take that step Friday. I will have to paint a picture of my reality to show that I am crazy, but not so crazy that I need to be locked away. This will result in a plan of action. The details are vague from that point, but I will be sure to let the Shrink know that stress leave is a must. The second step is not working and getting paid for it.

It's all a shot in the dark, but it will be worth it.

07 August 2005

Update: Nope I'm Not Going

We now have milk, which means two things 1) I am able to have Cheerios, and 2) Life is back to normal and I have to go back to work.

05 August 2005

Nope I'm Not Going

I called out today. I had every intention of going through the same routine, but after my shower I called out. No real reason for it at all. Of course, I blamed it on my incessant insomnia, but I really just wanted to lie about, watch Star Trek reruns, and play video games. Only one plan was foiled for my day -- I wanted to eat Cheerios, but there was no milk. I shook my fist in defiance to a God who hates me and I made a peanut butter sandwich instead.


I've tried to sleep all evening. I can't. One would think that after one of the worst days of my adult life I would be sleeping ever so soundly. I wish that was the case. The day just keeps replaying over and over and over again. The jist is that my responsibility has increased ten-fold and I get no compensation. The only good thing that can be gleaned from this day is that Novacula walked off the set after being insulted.

03 August 2005


Click the title and be amazed.