29 September 2005

One last post

Below is the text of an email forwarded to me by a friend and former co-worker:

To all,

I am pleased to announce that R.S. has accepted a position as supervisor of the Masterpiece Cornerstone Team. I am very happy to see R.S. continue on his career path at Insuricare but sad to lose a tremendous asset to the Customer Care Team. He has made significant contributions to our Team and he will be greatly missed. R.S.'s last day in the Customer Care Team will be October 14th.

Please join me in congratulating Ron and wishing him well in his new role!

Fat Supervisor

And here is my response:


That truly is amazing. He's a no-talent-brown-nosing ass-clown. He's a closet cocksucker wannabe jackass and I hope he fails miserably by way of being assraped with a parking cone by one of his subordinates.

And, that's how I feel about him on a good day.

The Problem Coordinator

23 September 2005

I've moved

This blog is dead. I know I said that I will bemaking my new blog about my stuffed monkey but I changed my mind. Look for my new blog in the links section.